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I wrote a poem after watching the K2 K-Drama

Updated: Apr 7, 2022

So here’s the thing. If you’ve gone to Uni and haven’t binge-watched a K-Drama series in the middle of your final exams- have you really lived?

I mean, what better way to prepare for exams. On one hand, having that nagging voice in your head to get back to studying but on the other side, you’re ignoring it because a -life is short, and b -you’re completely convinced that taking an hour’s break after a fifteen-minute revision session is the only healthy way to study. After all, our brains need a break too, right? Although I might have had a little of a problem with a certain type of drama addiction for a while, I promise I am sober now and am making better life decisions. For instance, opening up a blog and writing about k-dramas.

Yea. That sounded better in my head.

But hear me out, I promise it will be worth it ;). Ok, so here we go!

Ji Chang-Wook and his role in K2 is absolutely mesmerizing and I completely adore this actor for his insane acting skills. The guy is just exceptional. Anyway, apart from me fangirling about Ji Chang-woo (sigh), this drama gave me quite a lot to think about with its action, suspense and political themes.

Because of its political underlinings, I couldn’t help but apply it to the real world. Political candidates, at the height of elections, promise so much to the citizens. They masquerade their morals, beliefs and ideals; essentially what they stand for, and we buy it because we want hope. We want something better for the future. That isn’t always the case. It’s crazy what people can do for a little power.

Let me explain.

I come from a developing country and if you have read the textbooks, then you know that corruption seems to be the bane of the South Pacific. Truth be told, I thought about this drama for weeks. The message from the plot jolted me to my core.

Who is your Biggest Enemy?

In the drama, the thirst for power and money turned even siblings against each other. Choi Yoo-Jin is the wife of a presidential candidate. In the end, (spoiler alert) her own brother backstabs her in the contest for power.

Frankly, I’ve witnessed how the thirst for wealth and power turns even the closest of kins into arch enemies. But seeing it play out, in reality, is probably even worse than some made-up drama.

The people that we think are good and kind and honest, we later find out to be absolutely wretched. I guess you might say that I give people the benefit of the doubt easily or just have high expectations. Either way, it's what I call being a “masked monster”. You may be thinking of some -in your own circles right now, which is sad. A sad realization indeed.

So where’s the Poem?

Thought you might ask.

The message of this drama affected me and I couldn’t help but pen down my feelings and I thought of sharing it. I call it- “Dear Assemblyman”. Enjoy.

Dear Assemblyman, They look at you with favour bowing down in deep respect; Do you know why? Because your social responsibility, Is society’s security.

Hey Assemblyman, Your masterful schemes, might lull everyone to sleep; To me- your art is cheap, The rest might draw to close their eyes, But I will see straight through your lies.

O Assemblyman, who lays with you late at night? when you’re cold and all alone. No matter how hard you try, Your money can’t keep you warm.

Have you heard- Assemblyman, Heaven’s ledgers are already full With the people you have killed so easily; Don’t you know? Your time has come; And you can’t negotiate with death, Not with your fame, wealth or your respect.

Dear Assemblyman, You tried so hard to win, yet lost yourself In the game.


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